Friday 7 October 2011

Thursday 6 October 2011

Hi everyone sorry I've not posted for a while it has been a year or so since I posted anything well we are still in Adelaide. Its that time of the year again when we get home sick with Christmas coming.
this year has been hard all the kids are at school now so i spend most of my time on my own i have been looking for a job with no look i have started helping out at school 3 times a week and the money has run out so we are living on a budget this is the first time we have had to live on a budget anyway we have been here for 3 years now it seems like a life time i have just become and auntie to a little boy called Dylan he looks so cute this was a hard but happy time for me it was hard for me because i will never get to hold him because we can not afford to go home for a holiday and they can not afford to come here the kids are doing well at school and they have just started little athletics we have decided to have baby number 5 some time in the next few years we were going to have ivf because Greg had a vasectomy but we decided that Greg was going to have a vasectomy reversal so that is what we are saving for .
there has been a lot of illness around this year Conner has been ill on and off for about 11 weeks he has had 2 lots of tonsillitis ,gastro, and when he is not ill he is a pain in the ass he came up to me the other day and called me a hobo he is at the top of his class for reading callum still hates Australia and hates everyone he is only 10 and he is going through the stroppy teenager faze. i passed my driving test last year and i have not been pulled over by the police yet and I've been driving nearly a year yeah .
i had to drag all the kids to have their hair cut today because where starting to look like tramps and they have their school photos in 2 weeks they are on school holidays at the moment i still think they have to many school holidays when they go back they are only in for 10 weeks and then they are off for 6 weeks over Christmas they planned everything they wanted to do on the holidays they think money grows on trees so yesterday i gave them a sheet of paper and a glue gun and some pasta , lentils and rice and told them to make a picture that was not one of my best ideas i was still cleaning it up this morning so today we went to hungry jacks for lunch i felt stupid standing a the counter with a hand full of coupons but i got 4 meals for $19.80 yeah that was to soften the kids up for the hair cut they hate having it done hairdressers are so expensive here it cost $84 for 4 hair cuts and the boys only had a trim anyway that's it for now hi to everyone back home

Tuesday 22 June 2010

sorry i've not posted anything for a while but not much has happened here today is a funny day for me because connor has gone for his full day at school he looked so grown up in his uniform i hope he enjoys it he could not wait to go this morning i have no babys now they grow up so fast i dont know what to do with myself now i think i might look for a part time job .

Thursday 7 January 2010

heat wave

hi its me again its to hot today its 39 and it's set to get hotter I'm not telling you that to show off. i have been looking on the Internet at the pictures of St Helen's and the snow and if i could i would swap places with anyone it looks so nice all that snow the heat is OK but after a bit it gets to much i think its because of the heat that i always seem to be ill i have had more illnesses since I've been here than i had in about 4 years in England I've had a bladder infection over Christmas and i have had 3 lots of antibiotics .

Connor is up to his old tricks do you remember this time last year when Connor broke the screen on the LCD TV well he has done the same thing again yesterday so we are claiming on the insurance again.
callum is still not happy here he is only happy when he is sat in front of the TV he hates going outside he says it always to hot.
Megan is growing up to be a little lady its her 7Th birthday on Monday so we are taking her to the pictures to watch Alvin and the chipmunks 2.

Caitlin is Caitlin she still acts like a 4 year old i think she does things just to get told off its not that we don't give here any attention we always do things together she likes to play makeovers so you can imagine what i look like when she has finished .

today is a special day for me and Greg we have been together 10 years today but it feels like 30 so i think i will make something special for dinner .

i would like to thank Pauline, rach,Steve, Chris for the lovely gift
it time to go again i will write some more soon

Tuesday 22 December 2009

merry christmas

hi all sorry I've not added anything since we moved  we would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
 today is 42 its been hot for a few days now but its going to go down to 28 on Christmas day for me it doesn't feel like Christmas that's the thing people don't think about when they come to Australia that Christmas is a family time and to spend Christmas on your own its not the same and i also miss the weather believe it or not i can't cope with the heat some days i don't even leave the house .
it's also that time again SCHOOL HOLIDAYS it's the one time of the year i hate having the kids home for 6 WEEKS i love them to bits but they do my head in when we are stuck in the house all day because it's to hot yesterday they decided to have a pillow fight in the TV room and broke a glass so i gave them a job to do  i gave them all a block of wood and tub of filler and some shells and beads and the end result was the 4 very nice pictures above so today we might make some cup cakes or maybe not 4 kids and a bag of flour ?
a few weeks ago it was the last day of school so it  would have been the 11Th December anyway i picked the kids up from school as usual and we walked it home when we got in i sat down and fell asleep for about 10 Min's and i was woken up by Caitlin when i opened my eyes she looked like a ghost she was covered head to foot in flour her and connor had been having a flour fight in the kitchen i wish you all could have seen it my kitchen was white i have a grey floor and that was white the flour was every were anyway i've got to say goodbye connor is being connor again and i don't mean in a good way .
hi marie and phil how are you? hows the family? we will phone you again over christmas .
hi pauline how are you? hows the family? we will phone you over christmas merry christmas miss you all  lisa 

Wednesday 30 September 2009

hi we have now finally moved in to our new house we have been here 1 week and 2 days I'm glad we moved out of that other house when we moved all our stuff we found 3 red backs in the house. never trust real estate agents i think they were put on this earth to rip people off i spent 2 days after we moved out cleaning that red back nest before they came to inspect the house so that we could get the$2000 bond back  and we were told the toilet was not clean enough  there was dirt on the cooker hood  and there were dirty foot prints on the floor but the thing was i had moped the floors just before she came in and the muddy foot print were hers so as of yet we have not got the bond back anyway we seem to be getting this house sorted everyone seem abit calmer here greg does not shout as much so i dont have as many headaches the kids have there own playroom and big garden and we are getting foxel put in there room next week so i should get my tv back and i might just get a bit of peace and quiet for the first time in 10 years. how is everyone doing ? here are some more photos of the new house the furniture you see in the photos are not ours .